Manufacturing Today Issue - 229 Oct 2024 | Page 92

Eaton Mobility Group ________________________________________________________________________________________
applications and heavy-duty trucks . We ’ re working with our suppliers and partners to learn more about EV applications and educate consumers on the benefits .”
Thoughtful automation
When it comes to production , Eaton leverages a unique approach to automation . “ We ’ re repurposing a lot of our equipment and designing flexible solutions in a slow but steady automation strategy ,” Denk says . “ We ’ re using automated guided vehicles ( AGVs ) to pick up and deliver materials to our lines . Although we still have people working on the lines , we ensure lines are optimized so that a cobot can be easily integrated to ramp up production as demand increases . I like to think of this as slow and thoughtful automation , as we design processes for longterm success and later invest in automation infrastructure once the line is established rather than implementing automation from the beginning .
“ This also fosters flexibility and the ability to adjust to new practices and regulations . For instance , as demand for superchargers has declined , we ’ ve repurposed around 20 engineers from producing superchargers to creating inverters or EV gearing , which are in increased demand .”
With the EV market still evolving , Denk shares his thoughts on Eaton ’ s future : “ The transition to EVs is a huge challenge and opportunity for us , and we must remain agile and agnostic to move with the market and continue solving our customers ’ problems . Our motto of ‘ making what matters work ’ will drive everything we do as we continue to provide the correct infrastructure solutions at an appropriate cost .
“ We must be ready for what ’ s next , whatever that might be ,” Denk concludes . “ Whether its automotive , commercial vehicles , or aftermarket sales , the market is going to be very dynamic in the coming years . By placing talented people in the right roles , we ’ re preparing for whichever way the market goes , and we ’ ll continue to solve problems as customers bring them to us .” ■
www . eaton . com / us