Manufacturing Today Issue - 230 Nov 2024 | Page 124


Leggett & Platt UK Springs ________________________________________________________________________________


Discover Leggett & Platt International Bedding ’ s industry-leading bedding components

Leggett & Platt has been a driving force in bedding technology since it invented a spiral steel coil bedspring in 1885 . With facilities across the globe including the US , Europe , South America , and Asia-Pacific , Leggett & Platt provides high-quality innersprings and bedding components to customers across the globe .

Leggett & Platt International Bedding , a business unit of Leggett & Platt overseeing all bedding related business outside North America , boasts its own in-house spring , foam and machinery manufacturing businesses . Leggett & Platt Springs UK ( L & P Springs UK ) provides , primarily in the UK market , highquality innerspring components for the bedding and furniture industries . Backed by the wider company ’ s industry expertise , L & P Springs UK offers world-class professionalism and flexible , local service as part of its aim to be the go-to company for innerspring design and supply .
To learn more about the business and its springs division , we speak with Ross Ramsden , Senior Branch Controller . “ L & P Springs UK was formally established in 1999 following the wider group ’ s ambition to create a UK presence ,” Ross begins . “ Leggett & Platt acquired a number of businesses in 1999 and 2002 , and , as things progressed , the UK business grew . In 2008 the business made the decision to build a purpose-built vertically integrated facility . The facility was built to serve and support the UK ’ s major mattress producers .”