Manufacturing Today Issue - 230 Nov 2024 | Page 15

Accelerating circularity
“ Also , as the largest recycler in the Western Hemisphere , we must consider how to recycle the batteries used in hybrid and electric vehicles to recover the precious metals needed for electrification . With a lack of recycling infrastructure for EVs , there is currently not a supply chain to safely harvest batteries , meaning most EVs at the end of their life are shipped from the US to Asia . This needs to change , and Nucor is on a mission to accelerate circularity beyond steel .”
With this in mind , Tabitha turns her attention to the future of not only Nucor , but the industry and energy transition at large . “ I anticipate many trends and developments in the coming years , from AI and automated technologies to electrification and the impact of data centers on our electrical grid ,” she says . “ Energy is the future , and as we increasingly adopt renewable energy , clean energy sources will become more cost effective to construct and operate .
“ We are also going to see more robust innovation in terms of automation and robotics , alongside electrification of the grid , and so we have a dedicated team at Nucor examining emerging opportunities and challenging our team to think differently , going beyond our roots as steel producers to help solve global challenges .
“ However , we ’ re also aware that the green economy is going to be built with steel , and the steel it is built with truly matters ,” Tabitha concludes . “ This statement is at the heart of everything we do at Nucor , and we ’ ll continue to strengthen our production processes as we transition from a commodity company to an industrial thought leader .” ■
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