Antares Vision Group _____________________________________________________________________________
Focused on ESG factors , the company ’ s business model is designed to generate a positive impact by reducing the carbon footprint of each product unit throughout its life cycle . The company achieves this by assigning a unique digital identity to each product through a serial number , which enables traceability across the supply chain and to the end consumer . Such high levels of transparency not only guarantee product sustainability and safety but also bring tangible advantages to various stakeholders , from government authorities and manufacturers to consumers . By using an intelligent label that transmits the information of its digital identity , Antares Vision Group guarantees the integrity and authenticity of the product throughout its life cycle , thereby accelerating the transition towards a sustainable food system . Moving on to a different topic , Gianfranco discusses Antares Vision Group ’ s plans for geographical expansion , shedding light on what they will enable . “ At the moment , we are prioritizing the consolidation of our
positioning in strategic geographical areas . Specifically , Europe and the US are at the forefront of our priorities as they have proven to be premium regions for a variety of reasons . Furthermore , we are making significant investments to venture deeper into the cosmetics industry , with a focus on developing tailored solutions to meet the needs of this market . Still , our key focus remains on geography . Rather than aiming to reach every corner of the globe simultaneously , we are strategically prioritizing our efforts . As of now , our primary focus is on strengthening our positions in Europe and the US , as it will enable consolidation in our existing pharmaceuticals business as well as growth in the cosmetics industry ,” he reveals .
Through innovative traceability solutions and a visionary strategy focusing on ESG leadership , Antares Vision Group is well-positioned to achieve its sustainability and expansion goals . ■
antaresvisiongroup . com