Manufacturing Today Issue - 230 Nov 2024 | Page 50


Erwin Hymer Group UK ( EHG UK ) is a leading leisure vehicle manufacturer and home of the brands Xplore , Elddis and Buccaneer . EHG UK is part of Erwin Hymer Group and owned by THOR Industries , which together are the world ’ s largest leisure vehicle manufacturers .

EHG UK ’ s award-winning caravans , motorhomes , and campervans are designed and built in Consett , County Durham and , with a workforce of around 400 , is the largest employer in the area . The company strives to be the preferred choice for all leisure vehicle retailers , retail customers , suppliers , and colleagues and offers a vast choice of vehicles , available from its growing network of specialist retailers .
Since its last appearance in Manufacturing Today in February 2017 , the company has evolved , rebranded , and reinvigorated , none more so than in the past 18 months . EHG UK has benefitted from over £ 15 million investment in factory , facilities and technology ; implemented improved processes across all disciplines ; and realigned its brand strategy , relaunching with a revitalized product portfolio .
There have been key appointments to the senior leadership team , led by Managing Director , Chris Short , who joined the company in May 2022 . The EHG UK team has galvanized skills , experience , and vision to address supply chain , production , and performance issues , paving the way for growth and greater profitability . We shine a spotlight on some of the strategies and people behind the changes at EHG UK to see how each area of the business has adapted and improved with targeted investment and improved process management .