_________________________________________________________________________________________ Buoyant Upholstery
We believe in our people , and we want to hear their voices
environmental consciousness . It starts with the basics , LED lighting in all our offices and facilities , a £ 250,000 investment in solar power generation , electric company cars for employees , and the latest , most efficient compressors .
“ Now that we ’ ve taken all those essential steps , we ’ re thinking about how we can reduce our carbon footprint even further . We ’ re reassessing and reevaluating our fleet — we want to branch out into using more modern vehicles and teardrop trailers . Alongside this , we are working to improve our route planning , this would allow us to maximize loads and minimize miles on the road .
“ Only today [ at time of writing ] we received a report regarding a complete environmental impact assessment of our entire operation . We ’ ll use these results to put together a cohesive action plan for the future , full of sensible next steps .”
Community , sustainability & service
The company ’ s community-driven approach to business is bolstered by its loyal , knowledgeable team of industry experts . As Mike enthuses : “ We believe in our people , and we want to hear their voices . We have a works council , and representatives gather every quarter to discuss how we can improve on the benefits for our staff . In recent times we have held seminars for the workforce on subjects such as mental health , menopause , and creating a better working environment . In addition , we have worked with MIND charity and the Samaritans , offering helplines , advice , and a closer working relationship between our staff .
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