For five decades , Robinson testing . To ensure the highest quality Helicopter Company ( Robinson ) and maximize efficiency , Robinson ’ s has been designing and skilled workforce manufactures nearly manufacturing some of the 80 percent of its parts in-house . most dependable helicopters , enabling President and CEO David Smith owners and operators to perform difficult explains how Robinson developed missions all over the world . Moreover , the a competitive edge throughout the business is known for its factory overhaul course of its existence . “ Robinson is the program for older aircraft . By delivering only major helicopter manufacturer in safety-enhancing technologies , such the world that focuses solely on civil as crash-resistant fuel-cell tanks , 4K products , as all of our peers provide a cockpit video cameras , autopilot mix of defense and civil products . Frank systems , and NVG-compatible cockpits , Robinson , the company ’ s Founder , Robinson has positioned itself at the recognized the value of a personal forefront of the helicopter industry . The helicopter that people passionate vertically integrated company performs about general aviation could afford and all aspects of helicopter production , safely operate . So , he spent most of his from designing to manufacturing , career prior to establishing Robinson assembling , inspecting , and flight developing the aircraft in his mind and