Manufacturing Today Issue - 231 Dec 2024 | Page 122

Medstrom ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
both pediatric and adult patients . The response to this product has been great and after some final tweaks it will be ready to be shipped in the first quarter of next year .”
Sustainable succession
As Medstrom ’ s product range has increased , the business has taken on new people and expanded its manufacturing footprint to meet the rising demand . Rachel expands : “ We haven ’ t had to change facility because we built it big enough to allow for expansion . Our manufacturing area consists of stations , where different components are fitted . The beds are transported between stations using automated guided vehicles . This increases efficiency and removes the need for any handling and lifting of heavy equipment .
“ We ’ ve expanded the footprint of the area and added extra tool stations , which means that instead of building a bed in 30 minutes we can now do it in 20 . Along with increased stations , and an increased product range , we have also increased our people . We multi-train our operatives so people are experienced with all aspects of the bed assembly process , increasing interest across the whole build .”
This latter statement reflects how people are at the heart of Medstrom . Says Rachel : “ We ’ re passionate about our people . While there were three of us involved in the management buyout , we couldn ’ t have achieved that without all the people we have today . Two years ago , we set up an employee ownership trust ( EOT ), which means that every employee has a stake in the company . When we talk about growing profitably , it ’ s about making sure we are developing the right product for the right patient at the right time . Our focus is always on the positive outcomes . By focusing on the future of the company , which will be owned by the employees , we are making sure we build a sustainable business .”
International interest
As Medstrom continues its path of growth , as well as developing interesting new products with partners from a university bio-engineering department , the company is also expanding internationally . Rachel sheds some light on these ambitions : “ In January 2025 we will be going to the Arab Health Medical Expo in Dubai , which will be very interesting . We ’ ll be taking products with substantial clinical evidence behind them , which are unique in the market .
“ We have developed key partners in various countries in Europe and we are in talks with a company in New Zealand who cover Australia as well . We are also looking to the US and the significant opportunities that could present there . There is a lot of international interest , and we are passionate about bringing our products to the rest of the world .” ■
medstrom . com