Manufacturing Today Issue - 232 Jan 2025 | Page 17

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... if you take care of your people , your people will take care of your customers . That ’ s the culture we try and build at KPS Global
As the product side of KPS Global continues to reach new heights of excellence , it must be supported by an equally impressive team and the right level of service . Mike ’ s steady hand has helped the staff transition to the new ownership under Viessmann , and he maintains a philosophy that a leader is only as good as their team . “ Here at KPS Global we believe that our people will drive positive change . If you surround yourself with good staff , empowering them through training , incentives , and clear goals , then those people will bring great results to the customer and the company . I ’ m a fan of the inspirational speaker Simon Sinek , and I totally agree with the theory that if you take care of your people , your people will take care of your customers . That ’ s the culture we try and build at KPS Global .”
Considering the size and scale of the companies that make up KPS Global ’ s customer base , nothing less than exemplary service will do . “ We have some long-lasting relationships with our customers , some over two or three decades . They see us as the expert , and they come to us with what they need . Historically we ’ ve created numerous new products that are the result of customers coming to us with a problem and asking us to help them with a solution , and we have products like that in the pipeline today .
“ In addition , since the pandemic and the resulting massive expansion of online ordering and delivery to home , our customers are having to expand their businesses to support that demand . All those additional perishable products that their end customers are ordering online for delivery must be supported with temperature-controlled environments , and this plays directly into our wheelhouse . We see lots of opportunity for growth with our customers in both our current and emerging markets .”
Looking to the future , Mike is confident KPS Global will remain on a strong path of growth , while closely watching its supply chain and any changes introduced by the new administration . “ In October 2024 I named Rob Sorba as our new president for KPS Global ,” Mike announces . “ I ’ ve tasked Rob with running the day-to-day organization to allow me to concentrate more on the merger and acquisition side of the equation , look at new product opportunities , and spend more time with customers . We are kind of dividing and conquering to deliver our very aggressive growth plans .
“ Our growth will be driven organically with new product development , as well as inorganic growth as we look at opportunities to expand vertically as well as horizontally . We will continue our focus on innovation and sustainability , as well as support our existing customer base with remodels and new stores . People will always buy food , and we will always need improved ways to transport and store it safely . The Viessmann investment and partnership means we can really explore our opportunities , and I ’ m confident you ’ ll be seeing some fantastic things happening with KPS Global here over the next few years .” ■
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