Manufacturing Today Issue - 232 Jan 2025 | Page 48

Avon Group ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Committed to excellence

British engineering and manufacturing business Avon Group is going from strength to strength under the entrepreneurial leadership of MD and owner , Mark Rushin

When Group Managing Director and sole shareholder Mark Rushin is asked to describe Avon Group in simple terms , he uses the phrase ‘ a group of engineering manufacturing businesses that are all intrinsically linked through rubber , fiber , foams , sponge and plastics .’ By way of introduction , it sums up the group perfectly , however , it doesn ’ t do justice to the company ’ s growth journey , the development and evolution of its products and services , or Mark ’ s tenacity in creating a business that stands where it does today .

The full history of Avon Group was covered in the pages of Manufacturing Today in 2021 ( click here ) so as we entered 2025 , we talked to Mark to find out more about the last four years , and his ongoing strategy for success .
Mark Rushin , Group Managing
Director ▶
“ Since it was founded in 1979 , the Avon Group has seen 45 years of sustained growth ,” he begins . “ Various factors have created a strong foundation from which we have been able to ride recessions , survive a global pandemic and maintain our success despite the unpredictability of geo-political events . These include forming strong supplier partnerships , continually diversifying our product offering and growing the group through the acquisition of strong independent businesses . We have a huge commitment to production quality , efficiency and health and safety standards , have adopted the 6S production methodology and maintain high standards of compliance with recognized industry standards – ISO14001 , IATF16949 and ISO 45001 . “ We now have nine businesses within the Avon Group portfolio across the UK , plus distribution hubs in the US and SE Asia . What unites them all is a clear understanding of our markets and customer needs .”