Issue 233 - 2025
Packaging Why testing can help create the right packaging solution
How Audi is transforming its global facilities to produce all-electric cars
Cybersecurity Manufacturers must address risks from both upstream and downstream
Robotics A key voice in automation makes five predictions for 2025
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Hello and welcome to the latest issue of Manufacturing Today . It ’ s a real privilege to feature renowned automaker Audi this month , in our overview of the business ’ strategy to go electric . Gerd Walker , Board Member for Production and Logistics , walks us through its transformation plans , which include repurposing current production sites and concurrently creating both traditionally fueled models and EVs until combustion cars are totally phased out . It ’ s bold and ambitious roadmap includes the latest technology , transformations of existing facilities and in Gerd ’ s words ‘ It ’ s not purely about selling cars ; from infrastructure to digital technology , it ’ s an entire ecosystem …’ Find out more on page 10 .
Of course , AI is part of Audi ’ s discussions , and we cover it in another feature too – this time in conjunction with robotics on page 20 . This appears beside Ian Bramson ’ s look at cybersecurity and Robert Campling ’ s discussion of product packaging – hopefully something to pique your interest this month !
Libbie Hammond , Editor LH @ finelightmediagroup . com
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Our cover story goes inside Audi and its 360factory strategy , which is driving transformation , efficiency and productivity as it realizes its electric dreams .
Turn to page 10 to learn more .
@ mfgtodaymag manufacturingtodaymagazine
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