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_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tharsus Group ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Tharsus Group
_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tharsus Group
Tharsus is the engineer ’ s contract manufacturer , which means problem solving has always been paramount to everything that we do
engineering systems or turbine based engines
Sustainability sits at the core of Tharsus ’
that can generate up to 40 megawatts . So
operations , but in a wider sense than most
really , from highly precise electronics up to
businesses choose to adopt . “ We want to be
large scale footprints or formats .
a good citizen across a broad spectrum : not
“ Tharsus is the engineer ’ s contract
just for the environment , economy , or even
manufacturer ,” he states , “ which means
our local area ,” he adds . “ Tharsus is about
problem solving has always been paramount
creating a legacy of goodness in the North
to everything that we do . And those 60
East , and we want to provide an environment
years in UK manufacturing has helped
in which a skilled workforce can take on local
inform our new strategy . For instance ,
apprentices , and pass on their skills .
we ’ ve now headed down the route of
“ Equally so , we ’ re heavily involved in a
interpreting what EV charging networks
lot of game-changing logistics automation
will look like in 2030 , and how we can help
technology , that will help others across
Technology , that matters
Contract manufacturer , Tharsus , is devoted to taking complex tech products to successful volume manufacture
artin Gaffney , Commercial
Director , has walked a welldecorated
career path to
his position with Tharsus
Group ( Tharsus ). Having started out as an
engineering apprentice at IBM , he found
a lifelong passion for electronics and
manufacturing , and was even involved in
the enterprise ’ s first server blade project
in the late 1990s . As a result , he solidified
his place in the contract manufacturing
world , and all it has to offer .
“ So I grew up as an engineer and
then decided to move into business ,” he
explains . “ I had my engineering degree ,
but went back to acquire my master ’ s
in strategy , to focus on the world of
sales and business development . As
a result , I ’ ve worked for
the likes of BAE Systems
and TT electronics , and
explored market sectors
such as medical , retail ,
communications , and aerospace and defense
as areas for growth . My heart always remained
with electronics manufacturing , however ,
so when the opportunity arose to help lead
Tharsus on its next journey , it was one that I
was thoroughly ready to seize .”
Tharsus was established close to 60 years
ago , and , up until the last couple of decades ,
was primarily based in complex metal
fabrication . These operations are still the
mainstay of its sister company , Universal Wolf .
Over the last ten-to-15 years , however ,
the group has shifted its attention to
focus on advanced manufacturing
and complex electro-mechanical
assembly work .
“ One of our largest milestones
regarding this change of direction ,
was our meeting and
subsequent work with
Ocado on its warehouse
delivery robots ,”
Martin continues .
“ As a result , the growth of both Tharsus and
Ocado has been aligned in many ways , and
it ’ s been a journey that is now evolving into
the next phase of our business .” Part of its
five-year strategic plan is to focus on key
market sectors including electrification ,
health tech , warehouse logistics , and food –
and as a consequence , fulfilling its mantra of
“ delivering tech that matters .”
“ We involve ourselves in three key areas
with our customers : we want to solve their
problems , scale what they do , and supply
their products . We ’ ve got a really strong
engineering presence to facilitate this ,
which can provide design development
for hardware , software , or firmware , and
ultimately anything that makes the product
work . On the manufacturing side , we can
do anything from electrical assembly ,
electronics , wiring , hardware , fabrication , and
electromechanical exoskeleton work , right up
to full volume manufacturing , such as 20-footlong
assembly cabinets for fully integrated
Over 50 Years of Outstanding Service
providing high-quality complete solutions for outsourced assembly requirements
Premier manufacturer of :
• Custom Cable Assemblies
• Wiring Harnesses
• Box Build
• Valued Added Assemblies
Fully integrated ERP system :
• Manufacturing
• Purchasing
• Sales order processing
• Financial management
Wishing Tharsus continued growth and success from everyone at TFC
provide the necessary infrastructure .”
www . masfix . co . uk enquiries @ masfix . co . uk | 0191 264 5333
Riverside Works , Shelley Road , Newburn Industrial Estate , Newburn , Newcastle Upon Tyne , NE15 9RT
the UK and Europe to reduce their carbon
Proud long term supplier to Tharsus
footprints . Back to EV charging , we also
want to support the consolidation of our
charging infrastructure manufacturing to
the UK , saving on the carbon associated with
manufacturing in China , for example .
“ There are three key strands that we ’ re
looking to evolve over the next five years ,”
Martin concludes . " The first being the
core business of manufacturing , which we
are excited to shape with a really strong
blend of customers across our strategic
sectors . Next , is optimizing the added
value of vertical integration with our sister
company , Universal Wolf , and having access
to complex electro-mechanical assembly
and metal fabrication all under one roof .
“ Finally , it ’ s the development of our own
product and logistics platform , to move
material around a warehouse in a smart
format . This will be developed and launched
over the next 12-to-18 months . Once we get
there , we ’ ll have our manufacturing , vertical
integration , and product sectors all working in
alignment towards our ultimate purpose as a business – delivering tech that matters .” ■
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