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+ R Group
“ As you can tell ,” adds Andy , “ we are very much operating at the cutting edge , particularly in our development center . We work with a variety of startups and major blue-chip companies .
“ And that is globally , I might add – from the US to Asia . Some are supported and funded by governments . Currently , we have over 20 active projects in discussion . All are taking place in the center .”
We are particularly interested in how government-funded projects come about . “ Well ,” explains Nick . “ It begins with a call in the public domain , so a post will be put up on the government ’ s website .
“ We work in collaboration with three or four different organizations , and we take note when there is a specific need to develop a new IP . Then between us , we agree that there will be some form of joint development and collaboration as a collective .
“ Typically , we ensure that we have an end user , manufacturer , and university involved ,” he goes on . “ As well as an IP developer that intends to license the technology . Between the four of us , we will then decide if we should put in a bid for the program if the funding support meets our timelines .”
If successful , then the team will execute the task with precision and panache . In fact , as Nick tells us , for the best part of the last year , E + R has been successful in this regard – with each case related to batteries . Previously , though , the company found its calling during the pandemic .
Indeed , E + R has worked diligently on an anti-Covid layering program , building anti-microbial layers with its machinery for surface applications which were then deployed in railway stations .
That is not all the firm has to be proud about . With more than 50 worldmanufacturing-today . com 153