Manufacturing Today Issue 212 - May 2023 | Page 154

E + R Group _________________________________________________________________________________________________
firsts to its name , E + R really has got a lot to write home about .
“ Because of the nature of our business ,” says Andy , “ which is to build machinery that other people do not , we are involved at the cutting edge of technology .
“ So we create highly bespoke pieces of equipment , and because of that , we end up developing , in some cases , world-firsts .”
Addressing market gaps
That is the modest way of putting it . But we want to know more . “ Naturally , we cannot name clients or machine names , however we recently shipped one piece of equipment that had not one but two world-firsts in it ,” Andy smiles . “ It had never been done before .”
It is clearly a source of pride for the duo . It is one of the reasons they both enjoy life at E + R . Another reason is the people involved .


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“ We have got an incredibly strong team here ,” says Nick . “ They support the innovation applications , among other things , allowing us to always stay one step ahead .
“ In my team , for instance , I have a very talented base of chemists , physicists , and experienced commissioning engineers ,” he goes on . “ As a consequence , that experience means we can call on a really strong level of tools that we have all established over the years from various applications across the globe .
“ Together , we can target all that shared knowledge and grasp emerging opportunities in the market . The interesting point here is that , because we have such a diverse portfolio of experience in different industries , we can take solutions from one – say , energystorage – and apply that to another sector .
“ Those within the latter will not be aware of the solution from the former , but by effectively cross-pollinating , we can bring a wealth of knowledge and both novel and existing solutions to emerging gaps in markets .”
With these strong foundations for innovation , E + R has its sights on a promising future . “ In five years , I believe we will have doubled the size of the company ,” asserts Andy . “ That is part of our new company strategy , and it certainly feels tangible .”
Nick ’ s also keen to add his forecasts for the company . “ Within that same time frame ,” he concludes , “ the plan is to also put more energy into our decarbonization targets , bringing us closer towards becoming a net zero company .
“ Our first priority , in that sense , is to fulfil the promises we have made to our customers and our staff . I think the key will be making more forward thinking decisions , which will inevitably pull us towards an impressive future .” ■
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