“ Above all , we take an end-to-end approach to the environment ,” he goes on . “ I ’ d go as far as to say that we lead the industry , taking a green pledge to be carbon neutral by 2050 .”
Indeed , Winoa has published its roadmap to reduce carbon emissions by 100 kg CO 2
eq every decade . Bill argues that the company is well positioned to achieve this . As it stands , Winoa ’ s emissions are at a benchmark industry level of 300 kg CO 2
eq ( which is , he points out , itself six times less than that of steel ).
“ Understanding the life cycle of a product is key to finding the sweet spot of sustainability ,” he continues . “ At Winoa , the process starts by choosing suppliers that process raw materials by following clean initiatives and responsible practices – no matter where they are in the world .
This process involves making sure that each supplier ’ s sustainability policy aligns with our company ’ s focus on clean , environmental practices . With 95 percent of our materials already sourced from recycled waste , we always endeavor to dive deeper into the manufacturing world in order to create a complete reusable production process .”
But what does that look like ? For Bill , it ’ s quite simple : residuals that are generated in the steelmaking process are recirculated in alternative steel production processes and , where possible , raw materials are substituted for recycled alternatives .
“ In doing so , you can decrease waste volumes and increase material efficiency by allocating by-products in other processes within steel ’ s lifecycle ,” notes Bill . “ As materials flow in both directions – upstream and downstream – it has proven useful to take a cross functional approach .
“ Human resources are addressing
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