Manufacturing Today Issue - 214 July 2023 | Page 13

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Enhancing accessibility “ Nokia has been engaged in the enterprise business for quite some time , with verticals like energy and transport , initially with IP networks , but also wireless networks like EMR . There is opportunity to diversify into other enterprise verticals , with value in looking at different technologies , such as 5G . As such , as part of my role , I ’ m exploring the specific requirements of manufacturing companies .
“ While the technology platform is good , it requires customization and products need to be tailored to the specific needs in manufacturing . This goes far beyond radio requirements ; rather , an end-to-end solution is needed , one where interoperability , functionality , and cybersecurity all come into play . The technology needs to be able to be deployed across the board , by manufacturers large and small , and especially by small-tomedium-sized enterprises . Mastering the digital transformation can be a challenge , so it is down to us to make it easier to digest . We were among the first to offer customized solutions , by selecting the portion of our portfolio , deemed best suited to a client ’ s niche requirements .
“ Cloud computing is one of the foundational technologies , but it also needs to be brought down to the shop floor . Manufacturing is a homogenous industry with diverse sub-sectors . As such , we need to understand unique requirements and the different ways of working . We need to identify trends and gaps in provision and bring that data to our product development team . On the other side of things , my role is to educate our salesforce to speak the language of the industry . By bringing the right people together , we can make our offering more accessible to the end user ,” Tom explains .
Indeed , to capture companies ’ current maturity and mid-term goals in adopting enterprise and industrial metaverse use cases , Nokia worked in partnership with EY to conduct a new study called The Metaverse at
Work . Based on an online survey , the findings assess the key drivers , benefits , challenges and risks associated with deploying use cases in the metaverse , as well as the enablers and partnerships required to drive value .
“ We need to think about how we can make it easier for manufacturers to get engaged to gain practical experience ,” he continues . “ As the survey reveals , those engaged in doing something are seeing greater potential therein . The industrial and enterprise metaverses are exceeding expectations and experienced companies report more benefits than companies still in the planning phase . There are challenges as the enterprise and industrial metaverses require an extensive set of technical enablers , with cloud computing , AI , and network infrastructure and connectivity being ranked most important . It ’ s crucial to find proof points for decision makers to see the value in such an undertaking . The study has proven that in the numbers .”
Industry expertise In terms of helping manufacturers take their first steps on the journey , Nokia offers a portfolio of connectivity solutions . Tom elaborates : “ We need to dig deeper into industries to understand them better , to tailor products for the different verticals . It proves the point that industry expertise is necessary . I think Nokia is a front runner . We can bring a holistic perspective , not simply sell a single product to solve one problem .
“ If you look back to our newly formulated strategy , for instance , you will find those topics which reached far beyond tomorrow already . Here again , the loop is closing because the metaverse is part of our strategy in a very specific manner . We are not citing the metaverse as a buzzword , we have an idea of what it would mean for businesses in different segments and we have the competence in-house to bring the big picture to organizations , small and large .”
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