Manufacturing Today Issue - 214 July 2023 | Page 14

Main Interview __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Digital generation Indeed , organizations that want to modernize and transition to more digitalized and connected business models and take advantage of the tools and applications of future industries , must shift their network infrastructures to flexible , high-performance networks providing ubiquitous , robust connectivity . Transport networks , edge cloud and interconnected data centers will be required to enable the processing of massive amounts of data necessary to support mission-critical operations and generate even deeper insights to further improve operations . End-to-end private wireless networks will also be critical for supporting machine-to-machine communications , remote monitoring and management , and digital-physical fusion .
“ For me , the metaverse is an evolutionary story , which is now almost certainly being accelerated by other trends in the industry , such as staff shortages and dwindling expertise . As such , those products on the training and operational side will be massively in demand in the coming years . This is where the ICT industry can help to combat operational challenges . Perhaps not always directly but certainly indirectly , we can help to improve efficiencies . If , for example , you can avoid trialing processes in the real world by incorporating digital simulations , then efficiencies and savings can be made in terms of not wasting man hours and resources ,” Tom enthuses .
Indeed , working environments are transitioning to ones where humans are augmented by technology advancements . “ We will see AI everywhere . Artificial intelligence is necessary to make sense out of the vast amounts of unstructured data . As AI tools are developing at pace , which is
We will see AI everywhere triggered by advances in the consumer world , they are becoming increasingly sophisticated and structuring data in a more effective way . While we are providing context , machines are handling the data volume and removing bias . Experience is good , but it can also be misleading . Circumstances change , but can humans adapt that quickly ?” he questions . When considering those new to the industry , attracting and retaining talent with more productive and satisfying ways of working for the digital generation will prove to be a key element for companies looking to assure the stability of their future workforce . Tom believes that digital natives want to work with cuttingedge technologies and “ the challenge is to adopt technology and to do it in a meaningful way that provides a return on investment .”
The bigger picture To stay ahead of the curve , Tom strives to keep his finger on the pulse in terms of sector and wider industry trends . “ ICT , along with other industries , is on the cusp of convergence and we need to be ready and willing to cope with that . Training and knowledge sharing can facilitate transformation , along with staying open and listening to others .
“ Digital transformation should be at the top of everyone ’ s agenda , as should consideration of digital threats . It ’ s important to make considered , comprehensive decisions that assess each stage of the digital journey , particularly in terms of foundational technologies and platforms , to avoid data siloes .
“ Looking to the future and the circular economy , there ’ s much more to come . To make a circular industry work , you need interoperability , transferability , transparency , and cybersecurity ,” Tom concludes . “ We ’ re currently carving out first examples and ideas of how this could work , which will keep us busy for the next couple of years . The concept is starting small , but it will grow , and all the pointers suggest that we need to master the big picture .” ■