________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Manar Inc
Our operational processes mean we can accommodate manufacturing materials that go in at a high temperature , which is really why we are a good fit for customers
“ Yes , we had supply chain issues . However , we did an excellent job , and grew our business over that time . I ’ m not naïve to the fact that for some injection molders , the last three years have been hard , and it has been really difficult for them to rehire people that were furloughed at that time . But I am so proud of the efforts here at Manar , and our team went above and beyond to ensure that we kept our doors open .”
Expansion plans
On the note of ‘ open doors ’, Michael highlights that despite these issues , the company culture has continued to flourish . “ We ’ re sharing a lot more knowledge , there ’ s a massive amount of transparency , and our leadership team does an excellent job of making opportunities happen for everyone .”
In bringing the conversation to a close , Michael shares the business ’ plans for growth , and highlights the possibilities for expansion . “ In the next five years , I would like to see a 40 percent increase for us . We ’ d love to see us have a much larger presence in the industry going forward . If we could do that the plan would be to expand and build a new facility in Indiana , and I think that will serve us well going forward ,” he concludes . ■
www . manarinc . com
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