Manufacturing Today Issue - 215 August 2023 | Page 193

Personal Care
Over the years we have focused on how we can continue to accommodate such speed and flexibility as we grow , which we truly owe to the culture carried by our phenomenal workforce
Regardless of this , we ’ re fully equipped to operate at far greater scales . We ’ re typically running between 500,000 and one million units at any given time . However , during the pandemic , I was very conscious that lots of people would be losing their jobs , and cashflow was going to tighten across the nation , so I decided to reduce this to 2500 . As I say , we practice great due diligence when it comes to taking on new clients , so I was confident that this smaller number would enable us to give a foot in the door to some up-and-comers , whilst everyone else was raising their minimum entry levels .
“ It ’ s also proven to be a huge success with our existing customers , who are able to stock up every three months instead of six , and use the excess working capital to improve other areas of their business ,” he adds . “ As a result of this , people are able to drive their brands further , and trial out new innovative ideas without committing to such large initial orders . The data that these three-month runs produce is invaluable when clients are approaching retailers too .” keenness to continue with Orean , and the importance they placed on such long-standing relationships .
“ So , we decided to facilitate this ,” Dan explains , “ and we initially set up a filling station in Illinois , where we could ship over the products we ’ d manufactured here in the UK . This meant our clients could avoid the costs and admin of transporting goods into the US , however , it did mean that they incurred increases in lead times . We were aware that this practice couldn ’ t last forever , but then we started to see some real growth on the US side .
“ Year one saw $ 250,000 , year two $ 500,000 , year three $ 750,000 , year four $ 4 million , which grew to $ 6 million by year five . This happened during the pandemic , and it wasn ’ t anything to do with hand sanitizer , just standard skin and haircare products . So , we relocated over Customer focus
Almost six years ago , the company identified a trend among some of its top brands , in that they were gaining good traction in the US , but not sure where to start in terms of manufacturing overseas . Another similarity was their manufacturing-today . com 193