Fourstones Paper Mill ________________________________________________________________________________________
“ We ’ ve also taken part in a 2023 UK Government pilot for ISO 14064 greenhouse gas emissions reduction ,” he reveals . “ We ’ ve submitted a full carbon emissions report that will be audited by a credible third-party auditor . Once we obtain our certification , we ’ ll continue to work with the pilot to produce a carbon reduction plan that will also be externally audited to ensure consistent progress on our route to becoming carbon free .”
paper manufacturing , we were very aware of the chemicals used , of which many converters are oblivious ,” Peter explains . “ That ’ s why we launched HONEST , to combat the use of chemicals and spark a conversation about how we can minimize the environmental impact of paper manufacturing .”
The company ’ s commitment to sustainability has not gone unnoticed , instead earning it a nomination for a Sustainable Manufacturing award . “ As a company specializing in recycled paper manufacturing before ESG became a mainstream focus for most businesses , we ’ ve always taken the environment seriously ,” Peter reflects . “ Core to our shortlisting is our genuine belief that businesses should operate with integrity and honesty .
“ It ’ s no secret that paper making requires a huge amount of raw material , chemicals , water , and energy ; we ’ ve always been upfront about this and never ‘ greenwashed ’ our offering . Instead , we ’ ve taken actions to ensure we continuously reduce our environmental impact . Rather than buying green energy , we ’ ve invested in our own energy generation with onsite hydro turbines and heat recovery systems .
Future upgrades
As our conversation draws to a close , the topic turns to the company ’ s future . “ We expect big things in 2024 , starting with the commissioning of our new paper machine in Q2 ,” Peter concludes . “ We ’ re also in the process of adapting the business for our next growth cycle , which will require some structural changes to ensure we remain agile and competitive moving forwards . This includes major upgrades to our IT system , and we ’ ll also soon be announcing the outcome of our carbon reduction journey , so we will certainly be a company to look out for in the coming months .”
Having Peter at the helm with his hands-on knowledge of paper manufacturing , combined with the company ’ s constant reinvestment strategy and dedication to ethical practices , Fourstones is sure to experience continued success in 2024 and beyond . ■
www . fourstonespapermill . co . uk