Manufacturing Today Issue - 219 December 2023 | Page 23

____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Digital Twins


the complete lifecycle and gathers it in one place to provide organizations with a complete line of sight to their assets .
… and what gets in the way
To create this smart digital reality , companies need to overcome several potential obstacles . Firstly , inefficient or incomplete captures of data are often in disparate , unintelligent document formats , with poor handovers of information between project phases . The lack of reliable 3D models or laser scans means that there is no basis for a digital twin or digital reality . In the operations phase , the complexity of systems and proprietary equipment can be challenging .
Lastly , maintenance and engineering procedures are often done manually , making it difficult to leverage that information in a digital reality environment .
To address these obstacles and unlock the full benefits of smart digital reality , organizations can look to implement the following best practices .
Best practice # 1 : Go beyond basic 3D models to incorporate context and multiple data sources
During the project phase , companies often focus on creating a 3D rendering of their asset . The most important thing is to ensure quick access to live information in a single
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