Manufacturing Today Issue - 219 December 2023 | Page 24

place and provide the context needed for decision-making . Therefore , digital twins will certainly contain information from 3D models or laser scans , but they must go beyond that and connect to external systems .
In addition , during the project phase , scans or point clouds of the facilities need to be enriched with geotags to mark relevant areas or pipes . This information can later be used to link to the relevant documentation and create effective contextual navigation .
# 2 : Maximizing a digital twin ’ s value across the full lifecycle
Another best practice during the project phase is to invest in organizing and ‘ smartifying ’ documents to remove the information that they contain and recreate it with the relevant metadata - such an investment can pay massive dividends later on .
In particular , implementing a structured and automated facility handover process can save a lot of time and frustration during the operations and maintenance phases . Some studies say that companies can spend up to two years organizing documentation after an insufficient handover .
# 3 : Aim for a ‘ single pane of glass ’
Putting those mechanisms in place during the project , design , and execution phases helps to ensure that the right information will be available to engineers or maintenance technicians in the operations phase . It also prevents future struggles with outdated or unreliable information .
This data then needs to be connected to operational data , such as information on shift operations , control system performance , or operating procedures . Fortunately , much of this data is usually already being collected , even if it ’ s manual . The key is to digitize , connect , and integrate it into a digital backbone that will underpin the smart digital reality .
# 4 : The role of stakeholder management
Finally , the crucial importance of stakeholder management in creating and maintaining a smart digital reality should not be overlooked . It is not just about figuring out how to collect information , but also about involving major stakeholders and users of that information . The single greatest recipe for failure is a lack of commitment from key stakeholders .
Developing and outlining the benefits these stakeholders will obtain is key . For example , on the EPC side , construction planners will have a single place to check to ensure that projects are running on time or find out where they need to act . For engineering departments , it can also help retain momentum during project phases and ensure that the right information and history are kept in one place . In operating facilities , beneficiaries include plant management , engineering , and operations teams . Management staff will use the information collected to support decision-making and obtain key performance indicators ( KPIs ) at single or multiple sites .