_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ RoyOMartin
I don ’ t know any other products company like us with a medical home , pharmacy , and mental health counseling , and I ’ m really proud to offer that for our folks
plant in LeMoyen , La ., which happened to be the first plant of its kind in the southern United States .
“ Later , in 1985 , I earned my MBA from Louisiana State University . I ’ ve done just about every job in the company , except for being a doctor , and this diverse training has shaped my role as an effective Chief Financial Officer , Chief Executive Officer , And Chairman of the Board .”
He makes an interesting point . As someone who has worked across company operations , we were curious to learn how his family ’ s legacy is reflected in the values of the business . Roy had this to say : “ I think the only reason that RoyOMartin has lasted 100 years is down to the values like respect , integrity , commitment , honesty , excellence , and stewardship , that we first implemented about 25 years ago . These are values that my grandfather , my father , my uncle , and my cousin have upheld throughout their tenure . We have attempted , and hopefully have succeeded , to pass them to our fourth and fifth generations . These attributes , alongside our top-ranked employee benefits , underline our dedication to our workforce , with profit-sharing , competitive wages , and unique medical services . I don ’ t know any other products company like us with a medical home , pharmacy , and mental health counseling , and I ’ m really proud to offer that for our folks .” manufacturing-today . com 105