Manufacturing Today Issue - 220 January 2024 | Page 106

RoyOMartin ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
One hundred years is a long time to maintain a successful business . Furthermore , a great deal can happen over the course of a century , so we ask what changes Roy has witnessed during the company ’ s tenure . He shares that , more recently , safety has taken precedence , making the company the safest in plywood and OSB plants . Additionally , the innovative use of artificial intelligence developed with Smart Tech has helped enhance manufacturing efficiency , which has been a new development for the business . “ We ’ ve become more focused on consistency and best practices , and a computer can control 24 hours a day , seven days a week - with human supervision of the process , of course . I think that ’ s the new and improved way that we ’ re going to run our manufacturing facilities . Because one thing ’ s for sure , the price of labor is going to continue to increase , so with the help of the latest tech , we can maintain some stability ,” Roy explains , adding that he hopes to see the business continue to evolve in the years ahead .
On that note , looking ahead , the CEO shares that the long-term strategy for his family ’ s company is to further empower the leadership team and instill a succession plan to continue RoyOMartin ’ s legacy . “ In ten years , we aim for more non-Martin family management while priming fourth and fifth-generation family members for leadership . No one is anointed ; they must earn their positions . With a solid succession plan , the future looks bright . While forest products remain our core , we may diversify . We are ultimately in the people business , nurturing individuals to tackle future challenges .”
In conclusion , RoyOMartin ’ s 100-year journey signifies resilience and adaptability . As the company evolves , its commitment to values , employee well-being , and innovative practices ensures a promising future in an ever-changing landscape . The vision for a diverse leadership team and strategic succession planning reflects RoyOMartin ’ s determination to remain a successful organization for years to come . ■
www . royomartin . com