Manufacturing Today Issue - 222 March 2024 | Page 51

_______________________________________________________________________________________ Secop Group Holding
Johannes Maerz , Chief Operation Officer , covers some of the milestones Secop has recently achieved to enhance the production of premium cooling solutions . “ We have been through significant changes in recent years , particularly between 2020 and 2021 ,” he begins . “ During this period , we stepped out from the household business , redirecting the focus from domestic cabinets towards the light commercial , mobile cooling , and medical sectors . This strategic shift has made us a stronger player , by concentrating on the niches where we can exploit core competences to offer tailored cooling applications with premium performances and reliability to meet specific market needs ( like automotive and medical ). In addition , we also placed a greater emphasis on delivering outstanding and safe products and services to our customers . In terms of operations , part of our journey has been focused on consolidating our footprint and enhancing our productivity . Currently , we operate two major plants : one in China and the other one in Slovakia . This setup has allowed us to develop a clear strategy regarding the specific products manufactured at each location . Furthermore , we are making great strides to best serve our customers while continuously boosting production efficiency and flexibility . To complement our improved manufacturing processes , we also focus on enhancing our productivity and service level by fostering strong collaboration between our
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