Manufacturing Today Issue - 224 May 2024 | Page 120

us the bandwidth to continue to grow . Our new work environment is clean and inviting , impressing our customers who had previously visited the older facility ,” Liz informs .
“ The new facility features state-of-the-art lighting and solar panels on the roof , aligning with our sustainability strategy , which is very important to us at CHH . Notably , Liz spearheaded our ISO 14001 certification , reflecting a genuine commitment to environmental responsibility extending beyond rhetoric as we have a strategy and action plan in place . We have recently invested in expanding our maintenance capabilities , increasing our ability to innovate and offer bespoke engineered solutions . Additionally , we have acquired new state of the art equipment and implemented 3D modeling technology . To further bolster our team , we have initiated two sales apprenticeships in partnership with Pareto ,
an organization specializing in early-career , graduates , and non-graduates sales training . This apprenticeship program spans 12-to-15 months , with about 20-to-25 percent of it focusing on the academic aspects of sales . During this time , participants gain hands-on experience as young sales professionals within our company . In tandem with this initiative , we have outsourced lead generation to our partners at Flowd to ensure a constant stream of leads for these growing sales professionals to follow up ,” adds Paul .
Elaborating further on the nature of CHH ’ s services , Paul explains how the company ’ s versatility as a solutions provider gives it a major competitive edge . “ As the government opened up regulations , alternative network providers became a new source of revenue for CHH . CHH manufactures , installs , and integrates electronic street-side cabinets for several of them . Rather than simply


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