Manufacturing Today Issue - 224 May 2024 | Page 61

___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Metelec
silver , and gold ,” Kevin explains . “ The energy required for refinement is supplied by five hydro plants , making it a truly renewable operation .” As a result , Metelec boasts the lowest carbon footprint primary source in the world for producing copper , emitting only 0.74 tons of CO 2 equivalent per ton of copper , compared to the industry average of 4.6 tons . “ Sustainability is not just a buzzword for us ; it ’ s ingrained in everything we do ,” Kevin emphasizes . “ From our supply chain to our production processes , we ’ re committed to minimizing our environmental impact while providing high-quality copper products . We invest in a wide range of high-quality copper products for distribution across the UK and Ireland .”
Sustainability strategy
Metelec ’ s commitment to sustainability is not just a vision but a tangible reality , building on the primary copper smelting activity that is independently certified and verified by TUV , a leading auditing authority in Germany . “ This next year they ’ ll be looking to publish their through supply chain embedded carbon figures , meaning our Scope 3 CO 2 emissions will be transparent and certified ,” Kevin proudly states .
With sustainability as the cornerstone of the brand , Metelec is ahead of the curve , with plans for a zero-carbon future . The new 47,973 square-foot office , manufacturing and distribution center at Hilton Cross Business Park in Wolverhampton is a significant
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