Manufacturing Today Issue - 224 May 2024 | Page 62

Metelec ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
milestone for the business as it looks to take the next step in its growth . “ It ’ s an excellent building , with the best insulation and air source heat pumps ,” Kevin explains . “ We ’ re also planning to install solar panels on the roof and already have the infrastructure for 45 electric vehicle ports .”
Employee engagement
Moreover , Metelec is exploring innovative solutions , like microgrids , with key partners to actively manage energy usage . “ We ’ re looking at zero-carbon manufacturing through our new equipment and potentially investing in electric trucks for local deliveries ,” Kevin adds .
But how has this shift towards sustainability been received by customers and stakeholders ? Kevin acknowledges that while environmentally savvy clients have embraced the change , others are taking time to adjust . “ It ’ s quite an old industry ,” he remarks . “ You have clients steeped in tradition and old practices .” However , the true measure of success of the transition lies in the response from Metelec ’ s employees , who have embraced the sustainable journey . “ The amount of engagement we ’ ve had from our employees is phenomenal ,” Kevin proudly states . “ Together with the supply chain , it ’ s going to be the true differentiator .
“ On top of significant investment and restructuring in 2021 , we ’ ve invested around
£ 400,000 in state-of-the-art CNC machinery this year to enable production of busbars and other electrical connections . We tailor our offering around customer demand for low , medium , and high voltage switchgear and other power infrastructure applications . With this in mind , we ’ ll continue to invest in CNC manufacturing equipment , and consider our manufacturing product provision as a service ; we can fill capacity gaps , deliver bespoke solutions , fulfil repeat order requirements , or provide complete kits .”
We then turn our attention to wider industry challenges . Navigating the complexities of the supply chain hasn ’ t been easy , especially with recent economic turbulence . Kevin emphasizes the importance of continuous improvement and investing in relationships to overcome challenges . “ It ’ s a real challenge ,” he admits , “ but it ’ s the only way forward .”
Growth trajectory
Looking ahead to 2024 , Metelec anticipates growth in two key areas : data management and electric vehicle charging infrastructure . “ AI is exploding the demand for data centers , and the growth in electric vehicles is set to be phenomenal ,” Kevin predicts . As for Metelec ’ s long-term vision , Kevin reveals the business just kicked off its 2028 strategy . With plans for a further 50 percent growth and increased emphasis on manufacturing , particularly in the electric vehicle sector , the future looks bright .
In conclusion , Metelec ’ s journey towards sustainability is not just about reducing its environmental footprint ; it ’ s about embracing innovation , fostering employee engagement , and leading the way towards a greener future in the manufacturing industry with product that is essential to enable the green energy transition . ■
www . metelec . com