Manufacturing Today Issue - 224 May 2024 | Page 65

_______________________________________________________________________________________ Allsee


Discover how Allsee Technologies ’ revolutionizes digital signage and redefines art display

Allsee Technologies ( Allsee ) is an original equipment manufacturer ( OEM ) specializing in LCD and LED digital signage displays and touch screens for the commercial market . Leveraging its factory in China for manufacture , Allsee distributes its products internationally to Europe , Africa , China , and the US . Thanks to a vast network of partners , the company is empowered to supply its digital signage solutions and services to diverse end users spanning countless industries . Allsee ’ s range of advertising displays , touch screens , freestanding digital posters and outdoor digital signage is utilized in various public environments including retail , restaurants ( as digital menu boards ), hotels , schools , hospitals , corporate environments , and more . Baoli Zhao , Founder and Managing Director , fills us in on Allsee ’ s endeavors over the past year .

“ I am particularly proud of our performance in 2023 , considering that many in our industries saw their revenue decrease or stagnate over the last year . One significant accomplishment involves a sizeable project with a tobacco company , whose name can ’ t be disclosed as of yet . Using our unique technology , this company had previously advertised its products across 2500 Tesco stores in the UK . As our collaboration proved very successful , we are currently involved in implementing this same idea across Morrison ’ s and Sainsbury ’ s stores . Additionally ,
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