Manufacturing Today Issue - 224 May 2024 | Page 66

Allsee has invested around £ 20 million in land to build its new office in December , which is awaiting planning permission and will likely happen by the end of May . Upon approval , we will begin constructing our new office which will provide us with ample room at least for the next five-to-ten years . Regarding the year ahead , we are poised to maintain our momentum as we have already secured another substantial project , thus guaranteeing our growth throughout the year ,” he begins .
The construction of the new office building is highly anticipated at Allsee . Baoli elaborates on how this investment will contribute to the company ’ s growth . “ As Allsee expands , upgrading our office space to accommodate all our talent is vital . Our hardware and technology is not easy to design , thus , our product managers , software and hardware developers are our core asset . However , these teams are always working behind the curtain and don ’ t often engage with customers as they are busy coding . Moving forward , we strive to make our managers and developers more available to speak directly with our customers , offering their help and sharing their specialized knowledge . The only problem is that excluding our workshop , our current office can only accommodate circa 50 individuals . To effectively have our developers work in the front end of the business , we need to at least triple our capacity . This is where the new office will come in , as it will provide enough sitting space for 150 people . Aside from that , having a bigger office is becoming a necessity for us as we are managing more and more employees and working for an ever-increasing customer base . To continue handling these projects in a timely manner , we need much larger workshops and warehouse facilities ,” he elaborates .
Baoli goes on to expand on Allsee ’ s Textura digital canvases , which feature advanced texture-accurate display technology that enhances the details of artwork . “ Lately , our attention has been redirected to our subsidiary , Vieunite . Pioneering our unique Textura technology , Vieunite specializes in digital art canvases different from classic computer or television screen . Our products boast a special display designed to showcase any artwork with a stunning matte finish . Developed for two distinct markets , our digital art canvases cater to both home and public use . Through partnerships with several art galleries , Vieunite empowers customers