Manufacturing Today Issue - 224 May 2024 | Page 96

range of irrigation valves and solenoids . In fact , we ’ re launching a new model this year , called the B60 and we also plan on ordering another new line for our next generation of GEM solenoid valves .”
Paul also revealed another new product launch planned for later this year . “ This is our GEM Smart Plus , which is a smart solenoid valve that can be programmed and is very versatile . Another solenoid valve for chemicals and corrosive media , the GEM-C , is getting a new diaphragm , and this will give it a lifespan of 20 million operations . We believe this valve will be the preferred valve for fertigation machines , and we ’ re very much focused on precision agriculture .”
In this area , BACCARA ® also has a development program focused on IOT products , including a cloud-based version of its Octopus™ filter backwash controller , and the planned new SPIDER™ range of smart
explosion proof solenoids for ATEX and IECEx applications . Unique
Safe Reliable atam . it
ATAM . In-depth expertise serving offshore applications .
ATAM has been developing innovative explosion proof coils and solenoids for ATEX and IECEx applications . Covering Gas and Dust for Zone 2 and 1 and temperature classes T4 , T5 and T6 , they offer a reliable solution for applications in potentially explosive atmospheres . ATAM also produces encapsulated coils and additional options with external armature . Actuators , sensors and industrial connecting systems complement the range , demonstrating great attention to market needs .
solenoids , also operated remotely through the cloud .
Discussing the new investments brings Paul to the topic of sustainability . “ Given our work in agricultural markets , where they ’ re moving towards more precise solutions to address climate change , volatility , and the global need for food security , I see opportunities in vertical farming .
“ We ’ re focusing on the niche market of automation for growing fodder for animals in the dairy industry , because this is a big emitter when it comes to greenhouse gases . We need to mitigate and minimize the impact of this industry .
“ Our solution is fully automated , requiring barely any human intervention , requires 0.1 percent of the land and five percent of the water used in traditional farming , uses no pesticides , is fully organic , and produces cheaper fodder that doesn ’ t decrease milk yield or quality . In a world where growing conditions are unstable ,