Manufacturing Today Issue - 224 May 2024 | Page 97

______________________________________________________________________________________________________ BACCARA ®
this will offer totally predictable quality and quantity all year round .
“ At the moment it ’ s in the early stages , but we ’ ve developed the technology , filed patents , and established a proof of concept on a model farm . Potential customers can come and see the automation in full operation , with actual cows . It ’ s an exciting project , that we ’ ve set up as a separate startup called BACCARA ® Vertical Farms .”
Working on projects such as these requires a solid supply chain , and Paul concurs that supplier relationships are pivotal to BACCARA ® ’ s success . “ We ’ ve worked with many of our suppliers for years , and they ’ re absolute partnerships . I don ’ t think it ’ s possible to deliver consistent quality at reasonable cost , without such relationships .” Looking to what else is on the agenda for BACCARA ® over the next few years , Paul is eager to move on from the challenges presented by Covid-19 and getting the business aligned on its future objectives .
“ The difference between a good company and a great company is the ability to get 100 percent from your workers . So , I am looking to get everyone committed and focused on the same goals . I am focusing on recruiting new , younger people , training them , and giving them the chance to rise through the ranks .”
Overall , Paul and the owners of BACCARA ® are looking for significant , but steady growth and continuous improvement in margins . “ I personally would like to see a stronger European presence , maybe through acquisition , and I also believe our activities in India will continue to evolve . I think India is going to be the most important global market , and it will make sense for us to begin manufacturing there , at least for the domestic Indian market . There will be some challenges but it ’ s a great market with a lot of opportunity .” ■
BACCARA-geva . com
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