Manufacturing Today Issue - 228 Sept 2024 | Page 10

really no limit to what our industry can do . It ’ s our job to advocate on its behalf . The third part of our mission is growth . We create opportunities for our members to grow their businesses . The most obvious one is NPE . It ’ s the largest trade show in the Americas for the plastics industry and gives us an opportunity to amplify all the great things the industry is doing . It ’ s an important way to support the entire value chain by bringing them together and giving them a chance to collaborate , buy and sell , partner , and ultimately grow together .
Can you elaborate on the importance of plastics to the US and global economies ? Our Size and Impact Report shows the US plastics industry is the seventh largest industry in the country and one of the economy ’ s largest sectors . The US plastics industry accounts for over one million jobs directly and more indirectly , including jobs supported by exports . It generates $ 548 billion per year in shipments and $ 678 billion including suppliers ’ shipments to the plastic industry . The US plastics industry is a major player in world trade and we ’ re one of the industries with a trade surplus .
Our industry is critical to so many other industries , like automotive , construction , consumer products , and healthcare , both in the US and abroad , and the demand and need for plastics is expected to continue .
Plastic often gets vilified around its environmental impact but remains a crucial material . Can you discuss its place in the world and how it is evolving to be greener ? I think the most important thing that we all need to recognize is , regardless of what side of the issue you ’ re on , plastic is essential . We need plastic in our society . It makes it a better society . It makes it a safer society . It makes it a healthier society . What we don ’ t need is plastic in the environment . The biggest thing that we ’ re focused on as an industry at this point is sustainability . Often , sustainability is thought of as only an environmental issue , but it ’ s so much more than that . It ’ s making sure that we have a sustainable business model . That requires a consumer with a positive view of plastics , an economy that realizes the value of plastics , and a workforce that is robust and proud to be part of the entire process of the manufacture of plastic products .
The way we look at it , we must make sure everybody sees plastic for its benefits and its positive qualities . That can only happen if we also recognize that we must keep more of it in the economy and keep it out of the environment , which is where circularity and recycling come in .
We must recycle more plastic and collect