Manufacturing Today Issue - 228 Sept 2024 | Page 19

Energy the increased demand from consumers , clients and regulators to mitigate climate risk . Increasingly , the net zero agenda is now at the forefront of their operations as more companies seek out ways to optimize their energy use and lower their carbon footprint , all while meeting evolving client expectations .
Now , rapid technological advancements are enabling new ‘ as-a-service ’ business models that make it easier than ever to access the benefits of the latest equipment and capabilities without the upfront capital investment . Taken together , these forces are pushing businesses to rethink their approach to asset management and seek out more flexible and outcome-oriented solutions .
The key to unlocking the full potential of an OpEx-centric strategy lies in adopting a holistic , lifecycle-based approach to servicing and modernizing existing assets . By investing in high-quality maintenance , repair , and retrofit programs , companies can substantially extend the lifespan of their equipment , improve performance , and reduce operating costs . Furthermore , integrating digital capabilities into aging infrastructure can enable data-driven optimization and enhance overall operational efficiency .
Leveraging on retrofits to optimize operational performance and sustainability
Consider the way in which two of Finland ’ s biggest hydropower plants operated by Kemijoki Oy partnered with ABB to retrofit its SF6-based switchgear infrastructure installed in 1995 and 2001 . Despite being prized for its cost-effectiveness , the presence of SF6 - an
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