Manufacturing Today Issue - 228 Sept 2024 | Page 20

incredibly potent greenhouse gas - meant that the continued use of these dated circuit breakers could not be in line with Kemijoki ’ s rigorous environmental diversification program . By using a customized 12kV version of the ABB medium-voltage VD4G vacuum circuit breaker which clears potentially harmful shortcircuit faults in tens of milliseconds , the retrofit solution reduced the downtime to hours rather than weeks . Through the modernization of critical switchgear infrastructure , Kemijoki was able to not only improve the reliability and energy efficiency of its operations but also accelerate its decarbonization efforts - a true win-win .
Similarly , North American steel giant Finkl Steel recently engaged ABB to shore up its operations by upgrading its switchgear system to a specialized VD4-AF1 arc furnace breaker to replace two of its outdated circuit breakers , thereby slashing maintenance costs and waste footprint . In so doing , the retrofit halved the number of circuit breakers required and not only enhanced the plant ’ s operational resilience and reliability but now enabled 24 / 7 predictive health indication and accurate synchronization with network voltage , further optimizing the plant ’ s performance .
These case studies highlight the transformative power of an OpEx-centric approach underpinned by strategic service partnerships . By collaborating with experienced solution providers , companies can develop customized maintenance , modernization , and digitalization strategies tailored to their unique business objectives , needs , and risks .
Embracing a collaborative OpEx strategy as a strategic lever for growth
As organizations seek to future-proof their operations , what ’ s clear is that those which see the most success are ones that seek out collaborative , strategic relationships with their vendor partners in the name of operational excellence .
By tapping into the expertise and innovative capabilities of these partners , businesses can uncover new ways to squeeze value from their existing assets , be it through enhanced predictive maintenance , augmented reality – powered performance optimization , or the seamless integration of digital technologies . As the pace of change continues to accelerate , this adaptive , service-led approach to asset management will become increasingly essential for maintaining a competitive edge .