Manufacturing Today Issue - 230 Nov 2024 | Page 29

_______________________________________________________________________________________ Automotive Software


The changing landscape of automotive manufacturing .
By Praveen Yalavarty
to connected vehicles . Initially , connectivity was used to differentiate products and offer additional conveniences to customers , but its true value lay in enabling manufacturers to remotely update the software on these electronic modules .
Streamlined software testing
Over time , managing remote updates across a network of multiple ECUs proved highly complex due to the intricacies of in-vehicle communication networks . The industry soon recognized that the organic growth of these electronic components contributed to the complexity of the vehicle architecture . To address this , automakers shifted toward hardware centralization , adopting centralized compute platforms to simplify vehicle architecture and streamline operations .
Centralized compute platforms paved the way for the next step in automotive evolution : software abstraction . As automakers no longer needed to source individual ECUs from suppliers , they instead focused on developing software that could run on a unified , centralized computing system . This marked the beginning of SDVs , where software became the backbone of vehicle functionality . The centralization of compute hardware also drove the need for virtualization , allowing multiple software stacks to run on a single hardware platform , eliminating the need for numerous physical modules . This shift offers significant advantages for automakers . Not only does it reduce hardware costs , but it also promises more efficient and streamlined software testing and validation processes , with up to 70 percent of automotive
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