Manufacturing Today Issue - 230 Nov 2024 | Page 52

CORK-STOCK your attractive and functional composite material .
Interior of Buccaneer model made by Erwin Hymer Group

RENOLIT CORK-STOCK The Perfect Finish for Caravan Interiors

Create attractive and functional caravan walls , ceilings and furniture with RENOLIT CORK-STOCK . This moisture and scratch resistant material is easy to work with and provides a seamless , aesthetically pleasing finish with no visible joints . RENOLIT CORK-STOCK is the perfect choice for a durable and stylish caravan interior .
Raffaella Giovannini Head of Sales and Marketing Recreative Vehicles and Furniture + 39.324.6624773 raffaella . giovannini @ renolit . com
Alex Neesam-Hare Business Manager of Interior Surfaces , Design + 44.797.0220624 alex . neesam @ renolit . com
www . renolit . com / renolit-cork-stock