____________________________________________________________________________________ Erwin Hymer Group UK
been implemented through promoting and fostering a collaborative crossfunctional team approach including quality , manufacturing engineering , Lean 6 Sigma , design and operations .
Of course , none of these achievements and improvements would be at all possible without the engagement of the 400-strong workforce at EHG UK . Nathan Hunt , who himself was appointed HR Director just 18 months ago , is proud of the size and scale of these accomplishments . He says : “ Team effort is crucial to our ongoing success and it ’ s clear that our employees are engaging with the strategic vision of the business . As a company , we strive to recognize and reward every colleague who goes above and beyond , shows exceptional enterprise or simply excels at what they do . The energy and commitment displayed by our employees daily is inspiring .
“ We are investing heavily in employee training across all levels of the business . We zomi . si
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