are on a journey to becoming the employer of choice , focusing on the issues that matter to our employees and striving to make EHG UK an even greater place to work . Our 400-plusstrong workforce is diverse . Some colleagues have worked here for as long as 50 years , others are just at the beginning of what we hope will be a long and fulfilling career with us , but all take huge pride in our product , our leisure vehicles , and pride in their personal performance , as well as demonstrating incredible team spirit . Every colleague counts , everyone ’ s performance matters , and every improvement benefits the business , and in turn , our customers . We are in the business of building dreams , after all !”
The team cites the following areas of the business as key examples of the company ’ s cross-functional , collaborative approach : the Bond Shop is the heartbeat of the site ’ s manufacturing capability , the area where
all the external sides , roof and floor panels are manufactured . Critical to the process is a constant and controllable temperature and a high-quality water supply . The recent investments in heating , ventilation , and air conditioning ( HVAC ), building management systems ( BMS ) and water reverse osmosis systems have provided this enhanced control , along with the improved water quality required .
This has allowed fine control of the process inputs , contributing to significant improvements seen within the quality of the manufactured panels . There have been notable improvements to the caravan and