numerous new products we ’ ve introduced to the industry . One of those new products , FUSIONFRAME ®, now represents over 35 percent of our manufactured product and it ’ s much more sustainable than what we built before and better for our customers .
“ Customers can ’ t get the type of highly customized product that we make from anyone else in the industry . Our approach has transformed the overall industry and positioned us for a very bright future .”
Given its disruptive nature , it ’ s clear why acquiring KPS Global was an attractive proposition to Viessmann , with its emphasis on expanding its Clean & Cold platform into the North American market . “ KPS Global and Viessmann are a perfect match . The KPS Global business directly contributes to our vision to reduce CO 2 emissions and improve the quality of life for the world ’ s growing population . Our strong European footprint in Clean & Cold offers opportunities to leverage each other ’ s knowledge and expertise ,” Max Viessmann , CEO of Viessmann , commented at the time of the acquisition .
“ For us this is a really exciting opportunity ,” Mike adds . “ Viessmann wants to improve people ’ s quality of life and that plays into what we do at KPS Global . Our insulated panel
products help preserve the safety of the food chain . The amount of food waste generated as it travels from farm to market is huge and our products are being used to help reduce that .
“ Our panels are used in distribution warehouses and micro fulfillment centers which is the process of taking fresh products from the market to the customer in that final last mile leg . This requires a controlled environment to preserve the quality of the food . Overall , our values with Viessmann align incredibly well and it ’ s going to a very exciting partnership as we focus on growth over the next few years .”