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Mike ’ s description of the past few years paints a picture of transformation at KPS Global . Waking up a ‘ sleepy ’ industry requires bold investments and new strategies . “ We are in the process of working on becoming smarter across the factories ,” says Mike . “ We have acquired machinery where we ’ re still learning all the functionality and working out how it can deliver more efficient , higher quality operations .
“ There ’ s lots of opportunity for automation in our plants , but we need to be very careful and deliberate in how we define what can be automated . We want smart factories , and we will be investing in certain equipment , while being mindful that we ’ re creating very highly customized products . Every box we build is different from the one we built previously , even for the same customers , and so we must create a very specific and defined process .
“ This is an area where we can benefit from Viessmann ’ s expertise and network , as they have much more experience in automation . They have introduced this to factories in Europe and we will be visiting some to see what they ’ ve done .
“ We also all know that Europe is years ahead of North America when it comes
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