Find out how Stretchline is helping to shape the future of the textiles industry for the world ’ s biggest brands
What do some of the world ’ s most renowned retail brands have in common ? They all work with Stretchline as a trusted partner .
With a rich history that can be traced back to the mid-1800s , Stretchline has become a world leader in the narrow fabric textiles industry . Combining decades of experience with ambition , a hunger for innovation and product advancement , the company ’ s portfolio continues to expand and diversify . Today , its products are also found in automobiles , wearable technology , and medical applications – solving challenges others couldn ’ t .
Stretchline ’ s vision to redefine the textile industry goes beyond its position as the world ’ s largest manufacturer of narrow performance fabrics . Over the past decade , the company has embraced its role as a true yarn transformer , partnering with global brands to develop products that begin at the yarn stage . From raw yarn ( POY ) to finished products , Stretchline adds value by texturizing , twisting , covering , and dyeing yarn to meet specific fit , feel , or design requirements . This ensures brands have complete accountability and traceability down to the yarn level , no matter where their garments are manufactured .
“ Initially , we specialized in narrow elastic manufacturing for lingerie , hosiery and other intimate apparel , but over the years , we ’ ve expanded our offerings to serve a wider range of markets and applications , such as drawcords , tapes and braids ,” begins Barry Head , European Sales and Marketing Director